Rebounding is nothing beautiful but plain wrestle and hustle. It follows that it wins the fewest praise among all aspects of the game. Rodman is one of the few legendary dominators right below the rim notorious for his monstrous rebounding ability. What makes people recognize his rebounding ability is his offensive rebounding ability. We know he jumps high and is muscular, but what makes him so freaken good at offensive rebounding?
No basketball rule says that each team only gets to shoot the ball once. You still have every right to the ball on offense. You can apply all of the same principles of the defensive rebound to that of the offensive rebound. Boxing out is important, but it may be difficult to get your body in front of the defending player. Preventing the other rebounders to jump is also important, but there may be too many opposing rebounders to prevent them from jumping.
First, He has Ambition. It's the ambition to take away something almost rightfully the other team from them. he has the belief that he can get his hands on the basketball.
Second, he has Determination. It is the determination that drives him to dive and strive without fear of injury and pain just for the possession of the ball. Not to mention that he has the determination to do it again and again.
Most importantly, he has Anticipation. He is able to anticipate where the ball is. This comes from countless number of hours of practice. Roddman is able to approximate the rebounding route of the ball right after the ball leaves the shooter's hand. The anticipation has become his rebounding instinct after all those practice. With this anticipation, Roddman can use his agility to get to the rebounding position before the defense.
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